1·If the mold spray is sticky, reduce the silicate.
2·In all the formulas for mold spray, a common ingredient is water.
3·Experience will dictate how to vary the mold spray formula in accordance with casting results but do so very slowly.
4·Mold spray life, with some of the formulas mentioned above, should be at least several hours with some touched up with the spray gun.
5·But when we visit their mold product workshop and the Spray-painting workshop, we are very astounished.
6·The characteristic and application situation of in-mold decorating, in-mold labeling, spray painting, hydrographics transfer printing, printing, electroplating and so on were analyzed detailedly.
7·We have set up independent workshops, such as Die and Mold workshop, Injection workshop, Assembly workshop, Fuel Spray workshop and Sock stamp and Skill Screen workshop, etc.
8·The spray-cooled mold is a new type of mold for continuous casting, The cast strandis cooled by water sprayed into the surface of copper plate with a special designed nozzle in the newmold.
9·Comparing to the normal water cooling type mold, spray-type mold is more homogeneous in temperature field and in thickness of solidified shell and is higher in cooling intensity.
10·Regardless of movement speed, its traveling stroke and torque are consistent, therefore can spray repeatedly; flexible operation design to suit most sophiscated mold design structure.